Klimagerechtigkeit aus Perspektive der MENA-Region // Climate Justice from the Perspective of MENA Region

Klimagerechtigkeit hebt den Klimawandel auf die nächste Stufe; von lokal zu global. Sei am 15.11.2023 von 17:00 bis 19:00 Uhr dabei und lausche den Geschichten von drei jungen aktiven Frauen aus dem Nahen Osten und Nordafrika (MENA). Die drei jungen Aktivistinnen aus dem Libanon, Jordanien und Ägypten mit unterschiedlichem sozialem und ökologischem Hintergrund werden über ihre Erfahrungen und ihre Arbeit im Zusammenhang mit der Vermeidung und Eindämmung des Klimawandels in ihren Ländern berichten. Die Veranstaltung findet auf Zoom in englischer Sprache mit deutscher Live-Dolmetschung statt. Weitere Informationen folgen. Rückmeldung und Anmeldung an: buero [ät] ben-bremen [dot] de

in kooperation mit: Nadja Zimmermann, BeN e.V. Bremen
Dolmetschung: Mahara Kollektiv

Climate justice takes climate change to the next level; from local to global. Join us on 11/15/2023 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm to listen to the stories of three young activist women from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The three young activist women from Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt, with diverse social and environmental backgrounds, will share their experiences and work related to climate change prevention and mitigation in their countries. The event will be held on Zoom in English with live German interpretation. More information to follow. For RSVP and questions: buero [ät] ben-bremen [dot] de

In cooperation with Nadja Zimmermann from BeN e.V. Bremen
Interpretation: Mahara Kollektiv

3 „Gefällt mir“

I shared with you the following opportunity:

Apply now to be part of the Youth Forum in the Arab Region meets Regional Conference of Youth MENA (RCOY MENA). The joint event be led by UNFPA Arab States Regional Office (UNFPA ASRO), the RCOY hosting organizations (ACTs, Basmetna Gheir and youthinkgreen Egypt) and the Centre of Excellence for Youth (CoEY) in the Arab Region in collaboration with other UN agencies and partners.

This year’s RCOY MENA marks its second edition, organized by ACTs, Basmetna Gheir and youthinkgreen Egypt, aiming to bring together young people from across the Middle East and North Africa region to discuss climate change issues, share ideas, and propose solutions. The conference will provide a platform for young people to engage and empower themselves to take action on climate change, and to promote awareness and understanding of the issue in the region.

RCOY MENA and UNFPA ASRO are happy to collaborate together in jointly organizing the Arab Youth Forum & RCOY MENA in Sultanate Oman as a host country. Call for Civil Society Partners for Arab Youth Forum meets RCOY MENA! (google.com)

2 „Gefällt mir“

Hii Gaby, please post this in the offene Kalendar, termine. Here you just replied to an event and not everyone can see it :slight_smile:

1 „Gefällt mir“