Schnackschmiede #5 (English version)

We need more networked engagement for a sustainable and just world - and waiting a year is too long for us!

That’s why in cooperation with Lernort KulturKapelle 2024 is inviting you to the 5th Schnackschmiede: We want to get to know you and your initiatives and explore opportunities for joint action.

When: Saturday, April 27, 2024,10:00 - 13:00.
Where: Lernort Kulturkapelle in Wilhelmsburg, Georg-Wilhelm-Straße 162, 21107 Hamburg
With whom: Doers, visionaries and enthusiastic people for a diverse, sustainable and just world from Hamburg and the surrounding area.

Deutsche Einladung: findest du hier.

2023 people from the following circles were present:

AG Kritische Geographien globaler Ungleichheiten / AG Storytelling der Hamburger Allianz für sozial-ökologischen Transformation / Agrar Koordination / Baltic Environmental Forum Germany e.V. / Brot für die Welt Hamburg / eeden Hamburg / Eine Welt-Promotor:innen-Programm Hamburg / Fairhandelsberatung / Lernort KulturKapelle/ Minitopia / Mobile Bildung e.V. / Ossara e.V. / Zukunftsforum Blankenese / Zuhör-Kiosk U-Emilienstraße / Zukunftsrat HH

2024 registered:
Eine Welt-Promotor:innen-Programm Hamburg / Ossara e.V. / Alternation e.V. / Die Sophistai / W3_Werkstatt für internationale Kultur und Politik e.V. / Stiftung Kulturpalast Hamburg/ lokalkraft / hamburg mal fair / / Deutsches Rotes Kreuz / Please Counseling / Hamburg Klimaschutz Stiftung / Why not Integration

How does it work?
At the Schnackschmiede, the main focus is on personal exchange and networking with other active people. We want to know who (or who you) in Hamburg sees themselves as part of a committed civil society and wants to become active together. In the weeks and months that follow, the resulting ideas will be pursued and implemented depending on the response and capacity!

These questions form the starting point for us:

  • What have you thought up and decided to do in the last few months?
  • What would you now like to do differently and together?
  • Where and how is participation desired and possible?
  • Where do you see opportunities for closer networking and joint commitment?

The 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) form the framework for our content.

Registration: So that we can plan better, please let us know by April 25 whether you will be attending using this registration link.

Event flyer - please share with interested parties!

Flyer_Schnackschmiede (940x788).pdf (555,6 KB)