Lecture: The power of telling African stories by Africans


Western media has and still is dictating the African story and because of this, Africa has been portrayed as “the inferior and dependent” continent. Telling the positive stories in Africa is not just important to Africans and African media but to the world at large.
It is time to change the narrative of the western media, high time everyone told stories that humanises the African continent. As Africans living in Germany, we have that responsibility of invalidating that single story which is a continuity of colonialism.
A Good Day in Africa is that intentional space that allows Africans to define and tell their own stories and most importantly, it humanises the African continent.

Speakers: Rebecca Kabejja and Olamide Olayiwola

The lecture will take place as an online event with interaction possibilities. For this purpose we use the provider Zoom. The following link will take you to the lecture on Tuesday at 18:25.

Information about the lecture series can also be found on our Telegram Channel: https://t.me/ColonialContinuities

The organisers reserve the right to exclude from the event persons who are conspicuous by racist or right-wing populist disturbances, who belong to extreme right-wing parties or organisations, who belong to the extreme right-wing scene or who have already made racist, nationalist, anti-Semitic or other inhuman statements in the past.

The legacy of German colonialism still lives on today: recent debates on the „refugee issue“, the handling of stolen art, the rise of nationalist parties, do not reveal the core, but symptomatic facets of a much more deeply rooted Eurocentric world view that springs from a history of colonization.
How can German colonial history be classified? In what forms does it live on in today’s structures? What can successful decolonization look like? How do we overcome racist thought patterns? What can we do to broaden our view and show solidarity with various global struggles for social justice?
We would like to address these questions together as part of our lecture series. In six weekly events, topics of colonialism, post- and neo-colonial structures and their inherent racism will be systematically examined.

The regional group of Zugvögel is part of the association „Zugvögel - Grenzen überwinden e.V.“ (www.zugvoegel.org), which promotes intercultural exchange and global justice nationwide and in this context organizes a South-North volunteer program. Leuphana African Students Organization is an association of various students from Africa, the Diaspora and Allies. Its purpose is community-building among students with African roots. LASO is committed to supporting African (exchange) students in their successful studies and in their integration into German society. Furthermore, the promotion of mutual understanding and exchange, respect and intercultural competence between the German society and African students plays an important role.